Tuesday, January 25, 2011

And the Oscar Goes To...

Oscar season is now is full swing.  As avid movie lovers, my husband and I both look forward to this evening.  In years past, we have been known to go a little overboard.  I made superhero T-shirts for all the men and cute purses for the women, because the Oscar swag is some of the best out there.  My husband conducted interviews on the “red carpet” and everyone voted before the winners were revealed.  This year, I’m asking the attendees to come up with an acceptance speech for the category of their choice and they must come up with their own film and details.  I mention this, because as I started wracking my brain for inspiration it started me thinking, “Whom would I thank?” or “What would I say?”  These questions led me to some spiritual reflection and thoughts about that never ending debate on “life imitating art or art imitating life” in which I began to draw parallels between film and life.

The Oscars celebrate the art of film and those accomplishments within that medium such as: acting, writing, music, directing, editing, etc.  It is a night in which talent is recognized and rewarded.  Finally those who have poured out their hearts, souls, minds, and abilities into their specific art will receive their due and their legacy will be established for future generations.  In a parallel between film and my life, every day I make choices that affect my life’s script in the way I act, how I make decisions that shape my life, the tone that I set for my life (positive, negative, happy, sad, etc.), who I trust to direct my life (me, others, God), and the kinds of life lessons I choose to embrace. While these celebrities have chosen to pour everything into their art to receive recognition and praise from their peers and others, Christians have been called to “…do your work heartily, as for the Lord rather than men; knowing that from the Lord you will receive the reward of the inheritance.  It is the Lord Christ whom you serve (Col 3:23,24).”  For our legacy and inheritance are eternal and will continue long after this world has passed away. 

I will continue to enjoy films and look forward to Oscar night, but I will endeavor to keep it all in perspective.  Life will often imitate art, but I should look for every opportunity to let my life imitate Christ.  His praise and His rewards are the ones I should seek with “all my heart, soul, mind, and strength (Mark 12:29).”      -written by Shaleece K.

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