At our last meeting, we were fortunate to have Cass County’s Prosecuting Attorney, Teresa Hensley speak. I found her presentation regarding self defense and personal safety very enlightening. I certainly will not walk into Walmart the same way ever again!
This got me thinking about my safety and situational awareness in key relationships in my life. Personally, this thought pattern has led me to zone in on my spiritual life, marriage, and my role as mother. I discovered a need to evaluate whether I am looking around and evaluating my relationships, or if I’m just trudging forward with my eyes down, too busy with other things to notice these areas.
These relationships are a really big part of the foundation on which my entire life and self is built. I don’t think I am as aware of them as I should be. Am I paying attention to this foundation or taking it for granted?
So I asked myself…
Spiritually, am I actively working on my relationship with Christ and seeking opportunities for growth? Or am I just coasting by without growing roots? Do I love the bride of Christ – the body of believers? Do I make time for growth and refueling?
In my marriage am I doing my part to be the best wife for Clayton that I can be? Am I meeting his needs to the best of my abilities – regardless of how much he’s doing for me? Do I make my home a refuge for my family, or is it a place of stress, turmoil, and fighting?
As a parent am I raising future adults who will be able to function in this world? Or am I handicapping them? Am I taking my role as their first educator seriously? Do I enjoy them – at least most of the time? J Along with this, am I seeking out opportunities to make connections with other moms…do I foster friendships? Am I a good friend?
I would love to be able to say that having the “right” answers would make these areas of our relationship absolutely inpenatrable to any threat. But the reality is I can’t. In John 16:33 Jesus says, “…In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” There will be trouble.
Church will always have crazy people who make me want to pull my hair out and throw the towel in. My husband will inevitably make me mad or neglect my needs or just be a jerk or something (or I will be all that to him). My kids – I love them always but honestly, I really don’t “enjoy” EVERY moment. Relationships are hard…always have been. And friendships…well, they can be a challenge sometimes too. By being aware and tending to these relationships, we can work to make them strong enough to weather the storms of life.
So how is your situational awareness?
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